Tuesday 30 October
12.00: ‘Climate monitoring and advice’ (Climeco Engineering B.V.)12.00: ‘Plants as air purifiers’ (Fytagoras)
14.30: ‘Investment in practice’ (Van der Hoeven Horticultural projects)
14.30: ‘Precision Growing’ (Grodan – Horti Alliance)
17.00: ‘Sustainable Growing’ (Koppert Biological Systems, Grodan, Nunhems Zaden, DLV Plant)
Wednesday 31 October
10.30: ‘Retailing The BRAND, increase your brand value’ (Horti Alliance)10.30: ‘Light on rootzone’ (Cultilene, Fytagoras, FFEW Technology)
10.30: ‘HELP… my plant talks!’ (Priva)
12.00: ‘Geothermal Energy’ (ArendSosef – Horti Alliance)
12.00: ‘Doubled haploids, breeding and molecular markers’ (Fytagoras)
12.00: ‘Next generation semi closed greenhouse’ (AVAG)
14.30: ‘“Off”-site crop management’ (GreenQ)
14.30: ‘How to increase yields in tomato with LED’ (Philips Lighting)
14.30: ‘Think Orange, Grow Green!’ (NethWork)
17.00: ‘Multi-Layer growing, the new way of efficient growing’ (Philips Lighting)
Thursday 1 November
12.00: ‘Sustainable High-Yield Production’ (Kubo Sustainable Greenhouse Projects – Horti Alliance)12.00: ‘Elke vierkante meter telt’ (BergHortimotive)
14.30: ‘The chances and challenges in Biobased Economy’ (Centre for Biobased Economy)
14.30: ‘Powersessie Energiestrategie’ (Powerhouse)
17.00: ‘Sustainable Growing’ (Koppert Biological Systems, Grodan, Nunhems Zaden, DLV Plant)
Afternoon: Najaarsconferentie Greenport Holland/Gemeente Westland (visit website Greenport Holland for the program and registration)